Today I want to share some serious doubts about the idea of closing the Guantanamo Base Prison.
Of course, our government will find high security places for new detainees, and successfully spend hundreds of millions of dollars for restoration and beautification of the democratic facade and Lady Liberty’s appearance.
Of course, terrorists, under any condition, will not be allowed to stroll freely on our streets. But also, of course, extremists-terrorists admitted to swimming in the general population of criminals, and will immediately start building organizations of followers, new friends in misfortune. Hoodlums will be happy to find a purpose for their miserable lives, and justification for their existence. Angry, disadvantaged, home grown criminals, outcasts and outlaws will be proud to enjoy the new status of members of the international brotherhood of destroyers of our society, recognizing themselves on a mission of struggle against a big, fat, DEMON-crazy, abusive and unjust state. They are very vulnerable to susceptibility and acceptability of terrorists’ ideological infection and never, ever will give up.
From evil cooperation to devil organization, they will reject any even questionable rehabilitation. They are faceless losers that consider themselves warriors of either God or Satan, depending on a day.
If you want to pat a hyena on the back, it will bite you in response. Why? Because that is the nature of hyenas.
Conclusion: Hundreds of former Gitmo detainees will produce thousands and thousands of new jihadists. What a job it will be for our law enforcement!
By the way, in Tsarist Russia, radical Bolsheviks considered themselves functionaries of the Communist party in prisons, on the task of propaganda, agitation and organization of new human material for their fight. Their ideas were quite schizophrenic, but look how it worked.
Now, what is protection from a spread of dangerous haters - Gitmo? The reality of the situation is discrimination, discreditation of fanatics, full isolation from the outside world. Just open Pandora’s box and toxic rains will fall on quite prepared ground.
Consider this: Gitmo will be closed and detainees will be landed in other prisons. What difference does it make? One cage or another, they still cannot regain freedom and will dream of revenge.
Is it believable the whole so-called “progressive world” together with terrorists and terroristic states will accept our hypocrisy and transparency, and start singing “hosanna” to America — bastion of questionable justice and exceptional negligence. As a result, radicalism-terrorism will overcome radicalism-nihilism of our government, victorious just over common sense and responsibility for safety of our people.
It is time to look directly in the eyes of the truth. We are in a war, and Gitmo must stay.
P.S. I survived the Soviet concentration camp, and I am sure that Gitmo is a closely guarded resort compared with conditions for the Soviet Freedom Fighters.
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