Ban on prayers,
Casino in Gettysburg,
Mosque in the heart of our grievance.
Crossing out symbols of sacrifice.
America, Awaken!
Mosque controversy:
Legality vs. Morality
Formality vs. Spirituality
Indecedncy vs. Prudency
Politcorrectness vs Rightness
America, Awaken!
-Do we have a legal right to sing, dance, play rock-n-roll,
and drink champagne near a cemetery?
-Is it abnormal?
-Is it indecent?
-Is it improper?
-Sure it is.
Don’t be mistaken: construction of the mosque in the bleeding heart of our Nation
is an intentional, carefully calculated invasion with a purpose of establishing
not only presence but domination of militant Islam, dividing and weakening our society.
It is an act of sabotage and a diversion perpetrated on our own land.
I came to America 34 years ago as a political refugee from Soviet Union.
Here, I was witness to a march of Nazi sympathizers in Skokie,
a predominantly Jewish suburb of Chicago.
They did not care about the feelings of holocaust survivors,
people, who lost most of their relatives in concentration camps,
when they would see swastikas. People were emotionally and physically hurt.
Imagine, what the relatives of the 9/11 victims will feel, when in time of mourning,
on site of the tragedy, they will hear “Allah Akbar.”
Politcorrectness and formality of legality can win over prudency of humanity,
immoral and inhuman law can prevail because indifference is not only around us,
but also inside of us.
What a shame!
First of all, we are supposed to be Americans, concerned citizens of our motherland,
and only after that recognizing ourselves from national, racial, and religious
points of view.
Right now, we are at war, and during wars one has to abide by laws of war.
Tolerance is good in peaceful times, but the construction of a mosque
near Ground Zero is an act of worrisome, dangerous and provocatorial behavior.
My name is Ilya Katz.
I used to be a prisoner of conscience and I refuse to become a prisoner of nonsense.
I am a “Cohen”, member of the most prestigious part of Jewish population
and I am sorry that some of Jewish politicians are sick with the flu of politcorrectness.
Jewish people were grossly involved in the Red Revolution and later were discriminated
and even eliminated.
Remember the lessons of history!
World was compassionate to national socialist movement and Hitlerism was born.
Our politicians accepted Vakhabism and viewed Saudi Arabia as a friend.
As a result we got Taliban and September 11 disaster.
Unfortunately, we have an indecisive president – slave of leftist ideas and we got North Korea with nuclear missiles and Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear superpower.
Who, were, and when was able to achiever victory with cowardly tactic of retreat?
Today, indecision is worse than a wrong decision.
Our politicians try to bribe hyenas with ice cream of incentives
but it is for sure unproductive.
Why? Because hyenas of fanatism never change their spots or their habits.
Fellow citizens, would you like your kids to grow up under “Sharia” rule?
It is a possibility if you will not state firmly: “No Pasaran.”
As president Reagan once said: “Don’t be scared, be prepared.”
Stop trying to cure cancer of fanatism with an aspirin of politcorrectness.
If we can’t understand America with our brains,
it will be too painful to do it with other body parts.
Ilya Katz
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