Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glenn Beck, Please Come Back

Open Letter to Mr. Glenn Beck and Mrs Sarah Palin.
Congratulations to Mr. Glenn Beck, Mrs. Sarah Palin, and all Patriots that participated in the "Restoring Honor" event on 8/28. I do however, have some serious reservations and objections and I want to make them public.
I dedicated my new book of insults for special occasions, "Obamasutra Illustrated," to you Mr. Beck and therefore I believe I have a right to a couple of critical notices in your address.

As an ancient philosopher said, a good doctor must recognise a sickness before is starts. I am not Nostradamus, just Katzstradamus, but I can see a dangerous sickness of politcorrecteness has contaminated even the best of us.

After a long trip from Florida, on August 28 I came to Washington D.C. to participate in the long-awaited event "Restoring America's Honor." If we want to restore the honor of our nation, however, we have to absolutely clearly recognise the ones guilty of diminishing and destroying our honor. How can we restore honor without fighting with those, who destroy it? While trying to excercise my first amendment rights, I brought my freedom of expression, printed in satirical form on the posters. I was however banned from my constitutional right to express my thought in the form which I selected.

Mr. Beck, I already had suffered from pointing finger of government and censorship in the Soviet Union. I am not happy that American government tells me how to behave in the business in time of my sickness, how to educate my children, how align my thoughts with those, offered by the governdment, etc. And for sure, I do not need orders of self-censorship even from political idol, Mr. Glenn Beck.

Limitations of freedom of expression are surely in the arsenal of totalitarian rule. Many times in your program, you Mr. Beck stated that you pray every night for Barrack Obama and people believe you when they see tears on your eyes. But in the daytime you very successfully "pray" ("prey") on Mr. Obama. In that I can see here a sign of political bipolar disorder.

Let us ask a question: "Who has publically disgraced our nation?" "Who has robbed us, our children, and grandchildren?" "Who has abused our eldrly?" "Who is trying to "redistribute" the wealth from the creative, enterpreneurial, working, tax-paying America to the masses of marginals, champions of entitlements?"

According to Winston Churchill we are not equal in our achievements and our richness, but Obama is trying to make us equal in our socialistic misery.

Who has weakened our defenses? Who has de facto supported the flood of illegal immigration? Who has enlarged our government and has empowered it with a bunch of left-brainers? Who has demonstrated his racial profiling? Who is trying to implement the ancient method of power "Divide and Conquer"? Who is doing his best to change the United States of America, our Motherland, Divided Statres of Moronland, socialist banana republic, a Soviet Union of America?

If America is a truck and and Obama is a trucker, the voter is a mother.... sucker.
"Congratulations," citizens, you can kiss what you elected, the very first black, first red, first anti-American president.

To paraphrase a thought from "The Little Prince", by Antoine de Saint Exupéry:

If you love somebody, you are responsible for them; if you love your garden and notice weeds growing up and attempting to destroy the beautiful flowers on your land, fight the grass; save your flowers. Children, thankfully, will enjoy the beautiful garden.

When our beautiful homeland is in the midst of economic, political and military fires, it is not the time for redecoration.

When so-called socialistic “high morality” will be turned into the high mortality, it will be not time for consolidation and mobilization.

Time is running out. We live on a volcano, and we must be prepared for a fight.

Talk peace, but keep your ammunition ready. We are the most patient and generous country in the world, but kindness in our difficult time demands possession of strong fists.

Gloves off, America—time to stand tall in defense of our values, our civilization and the future of our children.

“If not us, who else? If not now, then when?”

Dear Mr. Beck, I consider you to be a national treasure, you enlighten and take care of us and we sometimes have to take care of you. Please, take my notice not as an insulting, critical poison but as a slightly bitter but highly helpful political social medicine.

Mr. Beck, please come back!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sparkles: Democrats in Government

Let us look the truth in the face…
preferably with a lot of humor.
Humor makes fun of inadequacies,
while satire cries at them.
Satire is a scalpel belonging to a surgeon,
who is bravely fighting the cancer
of our society.
Sometimes it takes the sourest-tasting pills
to provide the best results
in curing illness.
When bureaucrats touch the clean spot
of our civility,
they dirty it.
It is very likely that soon
the history of our country will be called
“”The history of Illness.”
It is a disaster when laws are written by those
for whom they are not written.
Some Democrats are as much lawmakers
as they are law breakers.
The Democrats’ absence of principles
is the foundation of their physical wellness…
and their crippled conscience.
Nothing is as far from honor
as the Democratic code of honor.
Chameleons are chosen to rule
by those, who are color blind.
The politics of Democrats and conscience
are two lines that never intersect,
not even in infinity.
Incorruptible politicians do not exist.
There are only those, who, as of yet,
aren’t corrupted.
Exclusions only confirm the rule.
In the crowd of lawmakers,
the plain honest face catches the eye.
That would be the face of the security guard.
Human being can become a lawmaker
but sometimes lawmaker fails to act as a human being.
When fools achieve power,
they become scoundrels.
The caliber of a bureaucrat
is determined by how many people he fools
and for how long.
The higher a bureaucrat climbs,
the more he wants to spit at those below.
Sometimes, bureaucrats swim differently,
but will sink in the same way.
There were assumptions about a politician
that he was smart, experienced, and honest.
But during the examination, no proof emerged,
so the assumptions no longer exist.
Congratulations to those lawmakers
whose income exceeds one million dollars.
You are automatically enrolled
in the Affordable Housing Program.
When Mr. Rangel announces
that he was leaving politics,
the ovations will be greater than any heard before,
even at the peak of his career.
The former Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee,
Mr. Charles Rangel was accidentally removed from the street
by a road sweeping truck.
Satire’s verdict is not subject to appeals.

Where do We Stand?

Ban on prayers,
Casino in Gettysburg,
Mosque in the heart of our grievance.
Crossing out symbols of sacrifice.
America, Awaken!

Mosque controversy:
Legality vs. Morality
Formality vs. Spirituality
Indecedncy vs. Prudency
Politcorrectness vs Rightness
America, Awaken!

-Do we have a legal right to sing, dance, play rock-n-roll,
and drink champagne near a cemetery?
-Is it abnormal?
-Is it indecent?
-Is it improper?
-Sure it is.

Don’t be mistaken: construction of the mosque in the bleeding heart of our Nation
is an intentional, carefully calculated invasion with a purpose of establishing
not only presence but domination of militant Islam, dividing and weakening our society.
It is an act of sabotage and a diversion perpetrated on our own land.
I came to America 34 years ago as a political refugee from Soviet Union.
Here, I was witness to a march of Nazi sympathizers in Skokie,
a predominantly Jewish suburb of Chicago.
They did not care about the feelings of holocaust survivors,
people, who lost most of their relatives in concentration camps,
when they would see swastikas. People were emotionally and physically hurt.
Imagine, what the relatives of the 9/11 victims will feel, when in time of mourning,
on site of the tragedy, they will hear “Allah Akbar.”
Politcorrectness and formality of legality can win over prudency of humanity,
immoral and inhuman law can prevail because indifference is not only around us,
but also inside of us.
What a shame!
First of all, we are supposed to be Americans, concerned citizens of our motherland,
and only after that recognizing ourselves from national, racial, and religious
points of view.
Right now, we are at war, and during wars one has to abide by laws of war.
Tolerance is good in peaceful times, but the construction of a mosque
near Ground Zero is an act of worrisome, dangerous and provocatorial behavior.
My name is Ilya Katz.
I used to be a prisoner of conscience and I refuse to become a prisoner of nonsense.
I am a “Cohen”, member of the most prestigious part of Jewish population
and I am sorry that some of Jewish politicians are sick with the flu of politcorrectness.
Jewish people were grossly involved in the Red Revolution and later were discriminated
and even eliminated.

Remember the lessons of history!

World was compassionate to national socialist movement and Hitlerism was born.
Our politicians accepted Vakhabism and viewed Saudi Arabia as a friend.
As a result we got Taliban and September 11 disaster.
Unfortunately, we have an indecisive president – slave of leftist ideas and we got North Korea with nuclear missiles and Iran on the verge of becoming a nuclear superpower.
Who, were, and when was able to achiever victory with cowardly tactic of retreat?
Today, indecision is worse than a wrong decision.
Our politicians try to bribe hyenas with ice cream of incentives
but it is for sure unproductive.
Why? Because hyenas of fanatism never change their spots or their habits.
Fellow citizens, would you like your kids to grow up under “Sharia” rule?
It is a possibility if you will not state firmly: “No Pasaran.”
As president Reagan once said: “Don’t be scared, be prepared.”
Stop trying to cure cancer of fanatism with an aspirin of politcorrectness.

If we can’t understand America with our brains,
it will be too painful to do it with other body parts.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sparkles: Currrent affairs

Congratulations on end of combat operations.
Betray and retreat: is this how freedom we treat?

In washington wonderland,
The most fascinating and memorable place
Is the mouth of Mrs. Pelosi

Ban on prayers,
Casino in Gettysburg,
Mosque in the heart of our grievance.
Crossing out symbols of sacrifice.
America, Awaken!

Mosque controversy:
Legality vs. Morality
Formality vs. Spirituality
Indecedncy vs. Prudency
Politcorrectness vs Rightness
America, Awaken!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

On Economy...

  • Mr. Obama, when an inexperienced driver drives a car, the front wheels drive forward and the rear - backward. Same with our economy..
  • Mr. Obama, If one drives a car with his eyes closed because he believes in immortality, the passenger's life is in danger.
  • Speed characteristics of modern cars are best revealed in traffic jams, the same is with the success of economics in the period of recession.

  • If the short minded colorblind policy, is in the driver seat of our Economic State Machine and keeps making only left turns and running red lights, the crash is imminent.

  • Today's economy is like a gigantic moving truck, that's been abandoned by the driver.